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Cancellation conditions

TERNUA reserves the right to cancel the event due to force majeure (weather conditions, pandemics, natural disasters or other related causes), as well as in the event that the low number of registrations justifies the cancellation of the event at least 24 hours before the start of the activities.

In such cases, participants will be reimbursed for the amounts paid for registration.

If, once the meeting has started, any activity has to be cancelled for the above mentioned reasons, no reimbursement will be made, but Ternua reserves the right to offer the participants to carry out the activity on other dates and to reimburse the amounts that will be returned afterwards.

By registering, the conditions described in this document are assumed and accepted.

Cancellations by participants

  • Up to 30 days before the event

100% reimbursement minus 10e handling fee (i.e. 10e)

  • Between 30 days and 15 days

25% of the amount paid will be charged (i.e. 75% reimbursement)

  • Less than 15 days

100% of the amount paid will be charged (i.e. 0% reimbursement)

All cancellation requests will be accepted only in writing and must be received within the time limit established in your case. All cancellation requests must be made by the participant or the participant’s legal representative.

Refunds will be made to the registrant’s account via bank transfer upon request.

Substitution Policy

If the registered person is unable to participate in the event, and notifies us at least 7 calendar days prior to the start date of the event, another person may be substituted at no charge.

Sales Policy

The user must register for the course through the website by filling out the registration form on the corresponding registration page.

Full payment of the course fee is required to reserve a place.

Payments can be made through our virtual POS using debit/credit cards, or by bank deposit/transfer to the account(s) indicated for this purpose (this transfer option is only available for some courses). A payment link will be sent to each participant.

The user will not be formally registered until he/she has completed the registration and payment of the course. Once this has been done, your registration will be confirmed.

In some cases it will be necessary to communicate the list of attendees to the teachers. The purpose is to properly manage attendance and will not be used for other purposes. We may use on the basis of legitimate interest the email you have provided us with to keep you informed of similar events and courses and other marketing actions of the Ternua Group. You may unsubscribe from any electronic communication by using the link sent for this purpose in the communication itself. You can learn more about your data protection rights as well as how to request them by accessing: